Proposals for Year 2 AiA Mini-Grants Now Being Accepted!
The Washington State CTC Library Leadership Council (LLC) invites Washington state Community and Technical College librarians to submit AiA mini-grant proposals to conduct action research projects that build evidence that can be used to "tell a strong story about the multiple ways that libraries are contributing to student learning and success."
LLC expects to award at least seven Mini-Grants to CTC librarians during Year 2 of the Assessment in Action LSTA Grant cycle.
Members of the Mini-Grant Review team have scheduled two online webinars to answer your questions about the Year 2 Mini-Grant process. Attend the session that best fits your schedule!
Year 2 November Newsletter
More information about the Year 2 Mini-Grant project is available in the November edition of the Year 2 AiA Grant Newsletter.
LLC expects to award at least seven Mini-Grants to CTC librarians during Year 2 of the Assessment in Action LSTA Grant cycle.
Members of the Mini-Grant Review team have scheduled two online webinars to answer your questions about the Year 2 Mini-Grant process. Attend the session that best fits your schedule!
Year 2 November Newsletter
More information about the Year 2 Mini-Grant project is available in the November edition of the Year 2 AiA Grant Newsletter.
Awards Announced:
Projects Due: